Do you want a detailed view of your teeth and gums? You will be able to with the use of intraoral cameras! Intraoral cameras allow us to have a better overview and depth of your dental issues. Regency Dental Centre provides a wide array of dental services, including intraoral cameras, in Etobicoke, ON. Get a better understanding of your oral health at our dental office today!
Intraoral cameras are used to capture images and videos of your teeth and gums. It is a small camera that is easy to move around and provides your Etobicoke dentist with a clear and detailed overview of your teeth and gums. An intraoral camera is small and easy to operate; it allows your dentist to view different angles in your mouth to better look for common dental issues like tooth decay and any tooth damage. Your dentist can now get a more accurate diagnosis of the problem and see any potential issues before they become more severe. It is especially useful if the underlying issue is not easily seen with the naked eye.
Images and videos captured by the intraoral camera can allow your dentist to explain the problems better and give patients an easier understanding of how the treatment can help. In cosmetic dentistry, an intraoral camera is often used to showcase the before and after dental restorations. The camera allows patients to have a clearer image of their results and any changes made promptly. The images and videos captured can also be sent to your insurance company for a faster processing time on your coverage. If seeking a second opinion, the photos may also be sent to other dentists or specialists, giving additional insight into how to tackle your specific dental situation.
To learn about our dental procedures and how intraoral cameras can help or your coverage and financing options, reach out to us at Regency Dental Centre to schedule an appointment at our dental office in Etobicoke. We welcome new and old patients with open arms and hope to serve your dental needs soon!